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What is your favorite thing about your career?

2021-05-19 11:39:54 UTC
What is your favorite thing about your career?
2021-05-23 13:55:47 UTC
<p>I'm an airplane mechanic. I'm the only specialist in my country that repairs the oxigen supply system in a military aircraft. I make sure that the pilot has oxigen during his flight, in case he ejects at a high altitude I deal with the oxigen supply he has until he reaches ground, oxigen supply for the engine in case of emergency shutdown during flight or oxigen replenish and delivery to the engine when a missile is launch). I also deal with some sensors like pitot tube and engine ignition/spark system. U know how much I make? 400 euros/month. U know why I still work there? Because I fucking love my job. It's a great environment, it keeps you grounded because of the huge responsibility and the satisfaction you have when the plane flies without issues is absolutely brilliant. </p><p>P. S. Sorry I can't provide additional details. Some things are still a national secret, confidential data has to be kept a secret. </p>
2021-05-24 05:13:55 UTC
<p>I am an independent designer/artist. </p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>Being self-employed, I love the freedom.... I rarely have to stress about scheduling/meetings/phone calls/etc. There's no bureaucracy or wasted time when changes are needed, since it's just me...freedom to move around and be flexible with any and everything. </p>
2021-05-20 23:30:59 UTC
<p>Career in the industry and the company to work with me and help with the team to work with us </p>
2021-12-21 05:06:15 UTC
<p>No tention about anything and time saving</p>
2022-07-14 13:35:25 UTC
<p>Currently as a teacher, I find great joy in being able to positively impact the future lives of my students. Especially when you see that light bulb turn on, it is very rewarding. </p>
2023-03-22 09:11:52 UTC
<p>We should be able to serve other creatures on earth, even rocks. In this case, we will be truly rewarded. You can easily experience my answer.</p>
2021-05-19 11:42:40 UTC
2021-05-19 11:42:46 UTC
2021-12-17 12:15:04 UTC
<p>at This moment Am prode of my self and what i do and for the future is all our life and career our job it will be in metaverse </p>
2022-06-26 23:59:27 UTC
<p>I just like that I help people. It makes me feel worth something. I wouldn't say I didn't love it from day one, but it definitely did make me worry. I worried I'd made a mistake because I felt like I kept messing up. Now I've gotten much better at it and really love it. It also helps that the people I work with are pretty awesome.</p>