What are your hobbies?
<p>I try to create Free and Open Source Games. Because I like FLOSS movement</p>
<p>My hobbies consist of: </p><p><br></p><p>Cycling - more and less competitive, reading Japanese literature, meditation and methods of improving the mind. Herbalism, harmony with nature, minimalism. Science fiction in cinema and literature. Also cooking - especially Japanese and Mediterranean cuisine. </p><p><br></p><p>Recently I am passionate about crypto adoption and exploring the use of NFT in the future economy. </p>
<p>I like to go to the Gym, hike, or walk. Going to the gym on the daily has become a routine that at one point was hard to stay committed to, but over time has become a stable of my daily routine. If I dont go I feel moody, anxiety, or generally unhappy. It plays a major role in the ability to stay focused at work, remain healthy, keep sex drive, look better and feel better physically, avoid getting sick, form of meditation, a huge factor in keeping mental health in check. </p>
<p>I am a blockchain consultant with interest in cryptocurrency. I love the Blockchain Technology business</p>
<p>Programming, watching movies and tv shows, reading novels are my hobbies. </p>
<p>My unique hobby is playing with words and to make creative and conceptual logos/posters out of it. Checkout this minimal series which I have done for ScrollDroll on Superheros.</p>
<p>My hobbies are :</p><p>-Nature to refill in,</p><p>-Walking to get fresh mind,</p><p>-Listen to Music in order to travel in the emotions world,</p><p>-Xtrem Sport for the Adrenaline,</p><p>-Books to create an imaginary world,</p><p>-Movie to escape,</p><p>-Draw to create</p>