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How to develop self discipline

2021-06-13 23:21:19 UTC
Self Discipline is the key to success
2021-06-14 16:58:25 UTC
<p>What's important to understand is personal growth happens with understanding the importance of discipline. Kids are often made discipline by fear at schools, but real growth happens when the person understands that being discipline will benefit him mentally and physically.</p><p><br></p><p>After that, it's a matter of dedication. I have tried that detoxing your dopamine intake really helps. Think of the things that get to distraction in hope of momentary satisfaction. social media, junk food, masturbation. If you reduce these you'll be bored af, but now you can use that boredom to do something you'd normally wouldn't do. Like reading a book. Now that you've lowered your expectation of satisfaction, you find seemingly boring things like reading and working more exciting.</p>
2021-10-14 13:30:08 UTC
<p>Life is game and you top rank</p>
2021-06-15 05:14:03 UTC
<p>I think self discipline takes intentional practice - which eventually develops into natural habit. For example, if someone wanted the self-discipline to go to the gym to exercise, the first handful of visits will feel like a drag, hassle, uncomfortable. However, over time, if this person kept up with their gym schedule, they will find that (once foreign) activity will be ingrained into their personal schedule. At this stage, self-discipline isn't even a challenge, as the activity is set into momentum with the lifestyle. </p>
2021-06-27 16:11:26 UTC
<p>1 step at a time on the journey of self discipline, awareness to change happens before the change</p>
2021-07-01 16:55:22 UTC
<p>Self discipline is something I still struggle with everyday but it is the most important thing to channeling your limited time on Earth to something that you find worthy of that time. My best advice to self discipline is to remember that your time is scarce so it is important to spend your time on things that are worth it to you! Think about the ideas that you would like to see succeed and realize that these ideas are worth way more time to you than watching TV show or binge watching YouTube videos. Discipline comes with consistently thinking this and acting on it. </p>
2021-10-10 19:50:17 UTC
<p>Something like karate or a martial art might help develop self-discipline. It's not just about learning to punch and kick but also about learning self-discipline, pushing your own boundaries (mental and physical) and mindfulness. </p>
2021-10-24 15:31:02 UTC
<p>Tl;dr: no. There is no Tl;dr. Grab that discipline and read.</p><p><br></p><p>"This too shall pass."</p><p><br></p><p>That was my method as a long distance runner many years ago.</p><p><br></p><p>Keeping the end goal in mind helps. The difficulty is getting there. </p><p><br></p><p>Everything has a a built in volume of "the suck"; boring, repetitive, arduous, unfulfilling tasks reqired to get to a greater goal. E.g. grinding in a video game. Getting through "the suck" is what requires (and builds) internal discipline. It's not fun. But it too shall pass and you will (probably) get your reward.</p><p>The human mind has an amazing capacity for forgetting or diminishing crappy experiences over time. It also highlights and over emphasizes positive memories and experiences. </p><p>So, set a goal; a goal that you want, not just what you think others want of you, and start towards that goal. When you get to "the suck" remember that it too shall pass. You will (likely) reach that goal, then look back at "the suck" and think "that wasn't so bad"! That will build an experience that the brain will draw on that says "OK, we're in the suck, let's get through this." The more experience the brain has with that, the easier it becomes. After some time, your brain will then change to releasing dopamine in anticipation of, and during "the suck". You'll actually kind of look forward to it. That is the Zen of Dicipline. E.g. David Goggins on working out. </p><p><br></p><p>You're going To fail. Especially early on. That's fine. It's part of "the suck". Call yourself out on it, then get back into it. Just because you stepped away to do something not related to your goal doesn't mean you're a failure. It means you're a human with an internal reward system built over millions of years of daily survival that has no resemblance to life today. Additionally, modern distractions are designed to trigger those ancient reward systems. Teams of people are working against you. So, recognize that you had a small setback and get back to "the suck". It's ok; the siren song of distraction will pass too. </p><p><br></p><p>So, set a goal, get to it, and embrace "the suck", because it too shall pass. </p><p><br></p><p>Note: Even after sloshing through "the suck", you may fail at your end goal. It's part of life. It sucks more than "the suck". It's the "Über Suck". Getting up after that and embracing "the suck" again is difficult. But just like "the suck", your brain will rebound and failure in the future will be easier to mitigate. </p><p><br></p><p>Note zwei: Do not define success based on others. Define it by meeting your goals, time and time again. You're probably not the next Carnegie, Hershey, Ford, Bezos, or Musk. That's fine. Meeting your own goals will give you your own happiness. </p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>You've made it though this part of "the suck" to a goal you set. Was it that bad? You're now one step closer to your goal and your brain will wash this crappy memory. Congratulations!</p><p><br></p>
2023-01-10 20:49:23 UTC
<p>Self discipline, the key is to be Awake</p>
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