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what are some good typescript practices for a new programmer?

2023-03-24 04:58:53 UTC
I'm starting with typescript and I want to write clean and scalable code. What are some tips I can use?
Some good TypeScript practices for new programmers are: 1. Use TypeScript's static type checking to avoid common runtime errors 2. Use interfaces to define data structures and their expected properties 3. Avoid using the "any" type as much as possible 4. Use explicit access modifiers to define the visibility of class members 5. Use namespaces or modules to organize your code 6. Use a linter to enforce consistent coding style and detect potential issues.
2023-03-30 12:00:41 UTC
<p>TypeScript is a strongly typed, object-oriented programming language that is a superset of JavaScript. If you are a new programmer starting with TypeScript, here are some best practices to keep in mind:</p><ol><li>Use types effectively: TypeScript's greatest strength is its type system. Take advantage of it by adding types to all of your variables and functions, so that you can catch errors early on.</li><li>Use strict mode: Enabling strict mode in TypeScript helps you catch more errors at compile-time, such as unused variables or incorrectly typed function arguments.</li><li>Follow the Single Responsibility Principle: Keep your functions and classes focused on a single responsibility, which makes them easier to understand, test, and maintain.</li><li>Use interfaces and types: Interfaces and types in TypeScript help you define complex data structures and function signatures, making your code more maintainable and easier to understand.</li><li>Use async/await instead of Promises: While Promises are a great way to handle asynchronous code in JavaScript, async/await is more readable and easier to reason about.</li><li>Keep your code DRY: Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) is a programming principle that encourages you to avoid duplicating code. Instead, write reusable functions and components that can be used throughout your codebase.</li><li>Use strict equality (===): Use strict equality (===) instead of loose equality (==) when comparing values, as it helps avoid hard-to-debug issues.</li><li>Use linters and formatters: Use tools like TSLint and Prettier to ensure your code is consistent and follows best practices.</li></ol><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p>